IE consultants facilitate a series of fun and highly interactive exercises designed to explore and develop the 3 key issues related to effective team functioning.

1-Team Functioning

2-Personality/Communication Styles

3-Managing Conflict

This customized 1 day program is targeted for teams interested in elevating the level of functioning in their organizations, developing their communication skills as a group, and strengthening relationships, while having fun doing it.

Growing a Thriving Team

Building a highly functioning team requires a great deal more than simply amassing individuals with complimentary subject matter expertise.


Growing a Thriving Team

Communities of people that work well together, and constantly improve their performance have three things in common:

  1. They are aware of, and consciously work with their functional strengths and weaknesses
  2. They cultivate inclusiveness around varying personality and communication styles
  3. They deal effectively with diverse perspectives and conflict

Growing a Thriving Team